by Juan Manuel González | May 30, 2024 | Noticias-en
On May 28, 2024, the Agreement issued by the Technical Council of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, which contains the general Rules for the new voluntary incorporation scheme to the Mandatory Regime. of Social Security for self-employed people.
The Agreement provides administrative facilities to guarantee that national and/or foreign independent workers have access to social security, through a simplified scheme for voluntary incorporation into the Mandatory Regime called “ Insurance for Independent Workers ”.
To contract this Insurance, the interested party must obtain their Social Security Number (NSS) to affiliate with the Mandatory Regime, with the obligation to pay the worker-employer fees that will be calculated based on the reported income. The contracting of this type of insurance must be carried out on the 20th of the calendar month and failure to pay in a timely manner will be considered an affiliation movement of withdrawal.
Mexicans abroad and foreigners in national territory may contract this Insurance, so that their beneficiaries enjoy comprehensive social security coverage in Mexico.
The IMSS will enable an electronic system for contracting Independent Worker Insurance, in which the interested party must provide the following information:
- Income corresponding to your occupation;
- Activities carried out to cover work risks;
- Frequency of voluntary incorporation (monthly, bimonthly, semiannual or annual);
- If you wish to make contributions to INFONAVIT (optional); and
- Automatic renewal of the insurance period.
Finally, it is established that the IMSS will monitor the contracting of this Insurance and may exercise its verification powers to prevent employers and/or obligated subjects from resorting to this modality to evade the obligation to pay social security contributions.
by Juan Manuel González | May 3, 2024 | Noticias-en
On March 22, 2024, Agreement ACDO.AS2.HCT.270224/37.P.DIR, issued by the Technical Council of the Mexican Social Security Institute, was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, which specifies the Teleworking benefits, such as providing, installing and maintaining the necessary equipment, as well as assuming the costs, payment of telecommunications services and the proportional part of electricity service, are not part of the Base Contribution Salary.
This Agreement establishes that, according to the relevant provisions of the Federal Labor Law and the Official Mexican Standard NOM-037-STPS-2023, the benefits granted in the teleworking modality, such as providing, installing and maintaining computer equipment, ergonomic chairs, printers, payment for telecommunication services and the proportional part of the payment for electrical service, are not part of the Base Contribution Salary (SBC), for determining the payment of worker-employer contributions, in terms of the exclusion provided for in the article 27, section I of the Social Security Law, provided that the concepts and amounts of these benefits are expressly provided for in the employment contracts under this modality and the costs are credited as an expense duly identified in the payroll and accounting and not as remuneration.
It is important to mention that these benefits will be strictly monitored by the IMSS authorities, since if they do not meet the requirements mentioned in the previous paragraph, they will be classified as an improper fiscal practice in matters of social security and their integration into the SBC will be ordered, including the payment of differences, fines and possible classification of the crime of tax fraud.
For more information contact:

Juan José López de Silanes | Partner Basham, Ringe and Correa |
by Juan Manuel González | Mar 11, 2024 | Noticias-en, Opinions
Strategic litigation, also called impact litigation, is a tool whose use is increasingly frequent and that helps achieve gender equity. It is important to understand what it is and what its scope is, to encourage its use in the future and continue developing advances in this matter.
For some time now, but particularly in recent decades, society has begun to care about achieving gender equality. This concern has been presented to politicians, leaders and governments in many ways, but particularly through demonstrations. It is true that civil society has been one of the great drivers of this impulse, but the work of organizations that have equity as an end in themselves must also be recognized.
These organizations have been fundamental in promoting public policies so that governments establish the foundations to eliminate inequality and provide equal opportunities to all.
However, it is common for governments, and particularly legislative powers, to not fully understand the requests that society makes on these issues. This can often happen due to machismo or even lack of vision to understand that a problem exists. This is not surprising, given that congresses are representatives of societies; These same societies suffer from the same problems, and that, in the best of cases, are just beginning their deconstruction processes.
That is why public policies that do not comply with international equity standards have been legally controversial, either because their purpose is not well understood or because the way these policies are applied does not contribute to achieving the objective of equity.
This is where strategic litigation comes in as a way that opens avenues of protection through the use of judicial tools. Strategic litigation represents the person with a particular situation and common requests from minority groups, which perfectly exemplify problems in laws and policies that could not otherwise be understood.
To demonstrate that a law is incorrect, develop a trial and challenge the norm that was applied to a specific case with specific circumstances and people, it will always be much easier than warning of its unconstitutionality in an abstract way.
In Mexico, and in the rest of the world, important precedents have been established in this matter, such as, for example, in criminal matters, the right for a woman not to be punished for performing an abortion.
Also, it was through a series of trials that differences between men and women in labor matters were reduced. This included cases where it was prohibited to fire pregnant women, questioning the policy that only provided daycare services to working women, but not to working men; endorsing the idea that, if a man worked, he did not need that benefit because surely his wife would not work and take care of the children.
In addition, the possibility of recognizing home work with the same rights as any other was opened. This allowed the establishment of pensions for women who remained in charge of the home while their husband worked, and also generated a social security system for domestic workers that allows them to enjoy benefits on a par with any job.
In administrative matters, it is important to highlight the interpretations of the scope of reparation for victims by state bodies, including the acceptance of responsibility, which has often led directly to modifying public policies and discriminatory legislation.
These matters have not only provided benefits to the people who promote such lawsuits, but they also generate precedents that can be applied by lower or local courts in similar matters, and in some cases they have even managed to boost the interest in carrying out legislative reforms and even constitutional ones to establish rights and their scope and the way in which governments should respond to the problems that women face.
These changes are fundamental, and although they are not rapid, they end up influencing society and individuals in the long term, thus causing societies to modify their rules in favor of equity.
Within the framework of Women’s Day, it is necessary to highlight and remember these types of tools, as well as celebrate the lawyers who, generally on a pro bono basis , seek the creation of equal opportunities and the end of gender-based violence. through the defense of affected people. The same with the organizations that give meaning to law and public policies every day so that they have better access to justice.
Last but not least, it is necessary to recognize the judges who, with progressive vision and often with considerable courage, provide the cases with the emblematic sentences that are celebrated on days like today.
By, Diana Rangel León, Bashan, Ringe and Correa Counselor.
by Juan Manuel González | Mar 8, 2024 | Noticias-en, Opinions
“As women, we must stand up for ourselves. We must defend each other. We must defend justice for all.” –Michelle Obama
Understanding that sisterhood is the relationship of solidarity between women, especially in the fight for their empowerment, from a practical and application point of view, it is difficult to determine which are the most effective practices and with the greatest impact that we can implement to achieve support. to other women in this fight for empowerment.
For this reason, and based on my personal experiences and that of some other legal professionals, below are some recommended practices to encourage the practice of sisterhood effectively among legal professionals.
1. Don’t judge and honor other women’s stories.
On many occasions we tend to judge and/or minimize the experiences of other women, and each woman has a story that has led her to be what she is, it is an accumulation of experiences that has resulted in the forging of character. By honoring her stories, we learn from experiences that enrich our own perspective; while by not judging we create an environment of trust, in which the support network will be genuine and free of prejudice. Even though we are all women, and we have all been discriminated against; We have not been in the same way since the intersectionality that certain attributes give us such as privilege, absence of it, social class, sexual preference, ethnicity, age, among others, greatly differentiate the experiences between one and the other.
2. Avoid toxic criticism of another woman.
This does not mean always agreeing with another woman, however, we must avoid falling into toxic criticism that is versed in gender prejudices. Carrying out objective and constructive criticism, which provides learning and improvements to another woman, is very different; to fall into the use of appellations to the personality of this one of hers. And, while it is true that women are not perfect, it is also true that we are judged by a much more demanding standard than men. A direct woman can be classified as “bossy”, while a direct man is classified as a “leader”. Using adjectives like “crazy”, “bitch”, “angry” or even referring to a woman’s menstrual cycle, physique or sexual life adds toxicity to any criticism.
3. Stop gossiping about another woman.
Being a professional woman is very difficult, and even though the tendency is not to care about “what people will say”, in the working world it is very common to hear gossip about women; about their love life or choice of partner, their conditions as a mother, or if they are conflictive or problematic people. By sharing and/or spreading gossip, we discredit women’s professional achievements; We question progress very harshly, we give moral weight to attitudes that should not be anyone’s business. If you hear gossip about another woman (even if it is true), it is best to avoid promoting it and put an end to it.
4. Adopt a mentee.
Starting a professional life and cultivating it is very complicated, no matter what phase and/or stage of your professional life you are in, your experiences can serve as a guide for younger women. Helping future generations to solve problems and have greater professional visibility will contribute to reducing the gender gap. Any advice, teaching and/or support for another woman will help her grow professionally and be able to clearly outline a career plan that not only projects work achievements, but also achieves a balance between personal and professional life that also promotes her comprehensive development. as a woman.
5. Educate yourself, learn and unlearn.
Even though we are aware of the historical reality of discrimination against women due to gender, it is important to recognize that we do not have the absolute truth; in many cases intersectionality and privilege cloud our judgment, adding to the fact that it updates reality. and it exceeds our basic knowledge, which is why it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to continually educate ourselves, learn and update ourselves on gender issues, and unlearn behaviors imposed by the patriarchal society in which we have been educated.
6. Share and celebrate the achievements of other women.
When we recognize, share and celebrate the achievements of other women, we are celebrating ourselves. We are recognizing and celebrating the progress in the professional world that we are making as a gender. Avoiding toxic competition and envy is vital and necessary, with the understanding that the triumph of one does not mean the failure of the other. In order to achieve a gender-equal society, break cement and glass ceilings, eliminate the wage gap, among others, it is necessary to have representation in decision-making bodies. The representation of women is key to continuing their professional development; celebrating achievements is the first step towards an equal society. The triumph of one must be the triumph of all.
7. Zero tolerance for sexual harassment and harassment.
Justifying sexual harassment towards another woman is simply unacceptable. One of the main obstacles at work that we have as a gender is sexual harassment and harassment. By believing the victim, not questioning them, and supporting the creation of zero-tolerance policies and processes for sexual harassment and harassment in the workplace, we are creating a safe work environment for everyone.
8. Listen and be empathetic with other women.
As human beings we react differently to the various events in our lives. If a woman wants your advice, she wants your support or she just wants to vent to you, listen to her and be empathetic. Empathy is a quality that allows positive coexistence, improves social skills, develops relationships with other people and generates an environment of trust and complicity that will help us better understand other women. Listening to another woman allows you to avoid frustrations and give a new perspective to the resolution of both work and personal conflicts.
9. Give opportunities to other women.
Our duty as women is to promote the development of equal opportunities for other women. This doesn’t just mean hiring women, and stopping working with men; but rather opening the door for women to develop in areas that make them more competitive in the work environment. To not only look for capable women, but to trust, collaborate and promote positive actions through which gender equality is achieved.
10. Promote feminism, sisterhood and an egalitarian environment.
Prepare articles, columns, actively participate in the creation of diversity and inclusion policies, go to marches, share content on social networks, and in general, promote feminism and sisterhood among women, stop and raise our voices against misogynistic jokes, demand Due respect for oneself and others are first steps that will result in having more and better tools that are necessary for the creation of an egalitarian environment.

By Mónica Paulina Mora Ávila, associate Basham, Ringe y Correa.
by Juan Manuel González | Feb 6, 2024 | Noticias-en
Around the end of 2023, the decree that reforms, repeals and adds various provisions of the Securities Market Law and the Investment Funds Law was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, which came into force on the 29th. December 2023.
To read more about these modifications, please consult the following links:
In summary, these modifications will benefit the Mexican economy by facilitating the active participation of individuals and small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) in the stock market and various investment funds in a safe manner. The introduction of new forms of investment, such as hedge funds, is expected to contribute positively to the Mexican Stock Market.
It is important to highlight that the CNBV must issue the general provisions mentioned in the decree, placing special emphasis on the changes made to both laws. We will be attentive to these publications to delve deeper into this topic.
The lawyers in the Banking and Finance area are at your service to resolve any questions regarding the above.
For more information contact:

Juan José López de Silanes | Partner Basham, Ringe and Correa |