Paraguay | Advances in legislation and development of anti-corruption public policies stand out
The Shadow Report to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (“UNCAC”) published by the Non-Governmental Organization “Seeds for Democracy” towards the end of 2021 highlighted important advances in legislation and the development of anti-corruption public policies by the State Paraguayan between the years 2018 and 2021.
Thus, the report considered that Paraguay is inevitably in a process of strengthening public management policies that are really open and useful for citizens, pointing out as positive aspects:
- The regulatory adaptation related to the promotion of technologies for the fight against corruption through the development of open government action plans, with the participation of the State, civil society and the private sector.
- The adoption of an open contracting policy by the National Directorate of Public Procurement (DNCP), when reporting on its portal the adoption of said standard for the publication of data, making available to interested parties a series of data related to suppliers of the State and the respective award amounts in public contracts, allowing more effective citizen control.
- The promulgation in 2019 of the package of 10 laws within the framework of the government’s strategy to approve the evaluations of compliance with the 40 Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), with which several of the mandates were legislatively fulfilled. of Chapter V of the UNCAC; Y
- The existence of important advances with the latest modifications incorporated into the Political Financing Law, since the new legislation constitutes a challenge in terms of public policies to strengthen political parties, reduce asymmetries and prevent the entry of money of illicit origin into the electoral processes.