Bolivia | Justice Reform Summit

Bolivia | Justice Reform Summit

Last December 2021, the Minister of Justice of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Iván Lima Magne, went on to state that during March 2022 the judicial reform would be carried out based on the announcement made by the president, Luis Arce Catacora, in a report to international organizations.

The minister pointed out the commitment he has with the people to carry out a judicial reform that is objective.

After the recommendations of international organizations, Minister Lima made official that the Judicial Summit will be held this year, based on the recommendations made to the Bolivian Government by the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI-Bolivia) and the Committee Against Torture ( CAT, for its acronym in English).

Likewise, Minister Lima mentioned that the diagnosis made in the departmental socialization meetings of the six axes of the reform and the guidelines established at the 2017 summit will be added to the debate.

The axes proposed by the Ministry of Justice for the reform are: conflict balancing (uniform and strategic distribution of judges in the country), access to justice, judicial independence, information and communication technologies, regulatory development and institutional transparency .
