The Labor Inspection (IT) announced the criteria that it will use to control the Occupational Risk Plan (PRL). According to Decree 52/023, companies that employ between 5 and 50 workers must prepare the ORP carried out by a technician with a qualifying title (preventionist technician, occupational health technologist, among others), which must have the content indicated there.
The IT explains and develops the content that the PRL must have, in accordance with the following:
1. Description of the activities carried out by the company.
2. Hazard identification.
3. Risk assessment and its results by recognized and specific methods. The IT clarifies that it must be taken into account that prior to the risk assessment, an evaluation of compliance with the legal requirements that are applicable to the company and its activities should be carried out.
4. Proposed corrective measures.
5. Compliance schedule
6. Date of completion and date of the next scheduled review (minimum every six months).
7. In the document, the responsible technician must indicate whether or not he recommends the need to have a Greeting Prevention Service at Work regulated in Decree 127/014.
8. Signature and identifying data of the technician responsible for the document.
9. Signature of the owner or legal representative of the company in the PRL.
10. Proof of presentation and treatment of the ORP in the field of bipartite cooperation (Occupational Health and Safety Commission). If this bipartite scope was not established, the company must present a declaration in this regard and proof of communication to the PRL workers.
For more information contact:
Carla Arellano | Counselor Ferrere | carellano@ferrere.com