On August 4, Legislative Decree No. 1623 was published, through which the IGV Law was modified, establishing in turn the tax on the provision of streaming services (among other operations) by subjects not domiciled in the country, such as Netflix, Amazon, Spotify, Disney+, etc.
Among its main provisions, the standard has provided for the following:
VAT (18%) on transactions carried out by natural persons who consume streaming platform services, intermediation services in the supply and demand of goods and services (AirBNB, Uber), storage services, among others, regardless of whether they carry out business activity or not.
VAT (18%) on transactions carried out with natural persons who “import” an intangible through the Internet, regardless of whether they carry out business activity or not.
Designation as withholding and collection agents of non-domiciled subjects and payment facilitators (banks, financial institutions, telecommunications companies) with respect to digital services and the importation of intangible goods via the Internet.
The obligation of providers of such services to register in the RUC and comply with certain formalities.
The collection of VAT on such operations would be carried out from October 1, 2024.
By Supreme Decree, the publication of which must be made within the next 30 days, the provisions of Legislative Decree No. 1623 will be regulated.