On November 8, 2023, Law No. 31919 was published, which modifies Law 30021 – Law for the Promotion of Healthy Eating for Boys and Girls (hereinafter, “Healthy Eating Law”), regarding the use of adhesives. difficult to remove for the placement of octagons of advertising warnings on processed foods and non-alcoholic beverages imported and/or manufactured by MYPES.
Through this modification to the Healthy Eating Law, the following is contemplated:
- Advertising warnings placed on the packaging of processed foods and non-alcoholic beverages imported and/or manufactured by MYPES can be posted using adhesives that are difficult to remove.
- These difficult-to-remove adhesives:
- They must not cover relevant consumer information on labels, and
- must comply with the conditions contemplated in a future technical standard (hereinafter, the “Technical Standard”) that will be issued by the National Quality Institute – INACAL (hereinafter, the “INACAL”)
- Regarding said Technical Standard, INACAL will have a period of 240 business days, counted from the publication of the law, for its formulation, evaluation and approval.
- Once the Technical Standard is published, importers and MYPES will have a period of 180 business days to adapt to its full compliance.
- A period of 90 calendar days is granted to the Executive Branch, counted from the publication of the law, to proceed to adapt the Advertising Warning Manual, approved by Supreme Decree 012-2018-SA.
For more information contact:
Mario Pinatte | CPB Partner | mpinatte@cpb-abogados.com.pe