In the coming days, the Chamber of Deputies will analyze the reform project to the Social Security Law in which the obligation to use and implement the IMSS Mailbox is imposed on employers.
In this reform it is proposed that employers register their means of contact so that, through the IMSS Mailbox, the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) makes notifications of various documents such as: notices, administrative resolutions, settlement certificates and transmission of digital documents , among others.
Likewise, it is proposed that for those who do not update their means of contact or manifest their data in an erroneous way, the notifications that the IMSS practices will be through podiums.
Finally, for the operation of the IMSS Mailbox, the rules provided for in the Federal Fiscal Code will be applied, in addition, to notify documents or initiate procedures that are not provided for in the Social Security Law.
For more information contact:
Juan José López de Silanes | Partner Basham, Ringe and Correa | lopez_de_silanes@basham.com.mx