The Guatemalan Chamber of Industry (CIG), through its GuateÍntegra program, which was born in 2017 with the aim of educating and training a generation of citizens who become actors and not just spectators in the construction of a transparent Guatemala , announces new strategic alliances to continue promoting ethics and integrity in companies, and three new products:
- Seal of integrity for young people : it was officially launched on August 23, 2022, through which young people will be instructed in business ethics issues and will be taught, in five sessions, by experts from different organizations. To date, there are more than 600 young people registered.
- Complaint channel: service made available to companies that wish to implement and have this mechanism, which will be provided in conjunction with Be Compliance, endorsed by the World Compliance Association (WCA).
- Training platform on professional ethics issues: aimed at worker collaborators and people interested in learning about professional ethics, through which many more professionals committed to building a more transparent Guatemala are being trained.
Likewise, GuateÍntegra made two new strategic alliances of great value: 1. Hagámoslo Bien –civil association that promotes the culture of legality in the City of Monterrey, Mexico– through which opportunities, actions and tools that promote ethics and integrity within companies and different sectors of society. 2. E Compliance (ECOM) – a firm specialized in consulting and training in corporate ethics and compliance matters – with the purpose of contributing to companies and organizations to promote tools that help them work against corruption.
Achievements of GuateIntegra
GuateÍntegra has partnered with large associations that share the purpose of promoting a culture of legality in the country: Center for the Action of Corporate Social Responsibility in Guatemala (CentraRSE), Foundation for the Development of Guatemala (FUNDESA), Junior Achievement, Dentons Muñoz, World Compliance Association, Global Compact, Crime Stoppers, United Way, Prensa Libre, Valorum Ethics, ECOM and Hagámoslo Bien México. In addition to having the essential support of large companies such as AMBEV, to execute its work plan.
At the moment, through the Anti-Corruption Certification and the Transparency, Compliance and Anti-Corruption Training program, which were launched in January of this year, more than 900 employees from more than 60 companies have been trained and 11 organizations are in the certification process, which is based on ISO 37001:2016, Anti-Bribery Management System.
Source: Industry Magazine
For more information contact:
Uri Weinstock | BLP Partner | uweinstok@blplegal.com