The Constitutional Court has just ruled on a fragment of the new tax reform, specifically an article that included mining and oil companies. The article established the basis on which companies that exploit natural resources had to declare income. However, the high court declared that this adjustment is not in accordance with the constitution. Of the 15 lawsuits filed against the law, this was one of the two that the high court agreed to study, finally declaring it unenforceable.
The article of the law defined the basis on which companies that exploit non-renewable natural resources had to declare income. These types of companies have to transfer to the State a percentage of their profits in consideration, the so-called royalties. But in its article 19, the tax reform ensured that these royalties do not constitute a deductible from income tax, nor a cost or expense, but also that they must be recognized to the State through a tax percentage.
In April of this year, the Attorney General of the Nation, Margarita Cabello Blanco, had spoken out about this article, arguing that for her it was not “legitimate for Congress to prevent companies from deducting that payment.” In the concept that she sent to the Court, she explained that this type of use of natural resources generated a social and ecological impact that, until now, is compensated to the community through royalties. For her, these should be understood as expenses or costs associated with extractive activities, which when paid should translate into a deductible or discount as it currently works.
Source: El Espectador
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Oscar Tutasaura | Partner Posse Herrera Ruiz | oscar.tutasaura@phrlegal.com