Through the new External Circular No. 100-000003 of September 11, 2023 (the “Circular”), the Superintendency of Companies issued the guidelines of the new Report 75 – SAGRILAFT AND PTEE, which unifies reports 50 – Risk Prevention LA/FT/FPADM (“SAGRILAFT”) and 52 – Transparency and Business Ethics Program (PTEE), as well as Report 58 – Compliance Officers.
The foregoing, considering that Chapter obliges all legal entities subject to inspection, surveillance and control to adopt a PTEE.
The reports indicated in the Circular are mandatory for the Obligated Subjects, and must be completed through the STORM USER web application, in the “Business Report Submission” Section.
The Obligated Subjects in accordance with the provisions of Chapters (Report 50 and Report 52) as had been done in previous years.
This single report must contain the SAGRILAFT AND PTEE reports, and must be submitted annually in accordance with the last two (2) digits of the NIT of the Obligated Subject, without including its verification number. In this way, the corresponding dates are the following:
These deadlines cannot be extended.
Without prejudice to the above, and considering that these dates have already passed for the year 2023, the Circular has special deadlines to present Report 75 – SGARILAFT AND PTEE with a cut-off date of December 2022. These dates, also established in accordance with the two (2) last digits of the NIT of the Obligated Subject, not including its verification number, are the following:
It is reiterated that these dates have been set only for the 2023 cut-off report, and that in subsequent years the calendar presented in the previous point must be complied with.
In accordance with the provisions of Chapters In the event of appointment or change of the SAGRILAFT Compliance Officer and/or PTEE, the Obligated Subject must present Report
58 within fifteen (15) business days following the respective appointment or change, with a cut-off date corresponding to the date of the act. of appointment.
When sending Report 58, the following documents must be attached:
1. SAGRILAFT Compliance Officer:
to. Compliance Officer Resume
b. Certification of compliance with the requirements to be appointed Compliance Officer
c. A copy of the document that accounts for the registration of the SAGRILAFT Compliance Officer before the SIREL administered by the UIAF.
d. A copy of the extract from the minutes of the Board of Directors or Highest Social Body that records the designation of the Compliance Officer e. Document that accredits knowledge of ML/TF risk management or ML/TF/FPADM risk through specialization, courses, diplomas, seminars, conferences or any other similar matter.
F. Certificate of verification of disabilities and incompatibilities of the Compliance Officer signed by the legal representative
2. PTEE Compliance Officer:
to. Compliance Officer Resume
b. Certification of compliance with the requirements to be appointed Compliance Officer
c. Document that certifies knowledge of risk management
d. A copy of the minutes of the Board of Directors or Highest Social Body stating the designation of the Compliance Officer
e. Certificate of verification of disabilities and incompatibilities of the Compliance Officer signed by the legal representative. Report 58 will only be understood as received if it is accompanied by the presentation of all of the aforementioned documents.
For further information, contact:
Oscar Tutasaura | Partner Posse Herrera Ruiz | oscar.tutasaura@phrlegal.com