The Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Welfare, after the constant reduction in infections, has determined a new regulation and application of the working day, which will be in force from March 6, 2023.
The following modifications stand out:
Public institutions and private companies must apply a “Discontinuous Hours” of eight (8) hours a day, with a rest period between work shifts.
Private companies are obliged to apply the Discontinuous Schedule; however, they can adapt the entry and exit hours of the workers according to the nature of their activities.
Public companies may request continuous working hours under the following circumstances:
For reasons related to the physical safety of workers, who require natural light to provide services.
To provide a better service to the community, ensuring effectiveness, efficiency, and responsibility in the care of the population.
Public institutions and private companies, in order to avoid contagion by COVID – 19, must continue to implement the following measures:
Staggered entry and exit of work
Alternation of personnel, between face-to-face assistance and teleworking, from one (1) to two (2) days every other day, due to working conditions and the number of workers.
Application of special working conditions, such as ensuring the same rights and guarantees for face-to-face personnel as for teleworking.
Any other biosecurity measure, in addition to the protocols established by the Ministry of Health and Sports.
For more information contact:
Carla Arellano | Counselor Ferrere | carellano@ferrere.com