The Legislature of the province of Río Negro approved the law that complements the National Law of Minimum Budgets for Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change No. 27,520, through which provincial actions and strategies for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change are established. with the aim of protecting the inhabitants, the environment and contributing to sustainable development.
Establishes that the Provincial Action Plan against Climate Change is the base instrument for implementing the provincial policy to respond to climate change. Defines the specific actions necessary to achieve the objectives established by the policy. It is made up of a Provincial Mitigation Plan and a Provincial Adaptation Plan. It contains the goals, actions, execution schedule, evaluation mechanisms and necessary budget.
The Plan contains at least:
a. An analysis of the changes observed in the main present and future climate variables.
b. The identification and evaluation of current and future climate risk according to climate threats, vulnerability, and adaptive capacity of people, ecosystems and infrastructure.
c. The identification of critical regions, sectors, activities and climate risk groups.
d. A qualitative and quantitative goal of the necessary adaptation efforts.
and. A quantifiable, anthropic, fair and ambitious emissions reduction goal.
F. The survey of government actions with an impact on the climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy, as well as review mechanisms for said actions.
g. Mitigation and adaptation actions necessary to achieve the planned goals. Description of the monitoring processes, evaluation of actions and definition of baselines and indicators.
Also, the enforcement authority will establish, within the period established by the regulations, measures and actions that seek to limit the magnitude or rate of global warming and its related effects. Mitigation actions include, but are not limited to:
a) Development and implementation of renewable and low-emission energy sources.
b) Promotion of energy efficiency in all sectors of the economy.
c) Promotion of carbon capture and storage, including reforestation and improvement of forest management.
d) Establishment of measures to reduce emissions in the transportation sector, including the promotion of low-emission modes of transportation.
e) Implementation of sustainable waste management programs to reduce emissions from waste management.
f) Development of carbon credit systems that encourage the reduction of emissions.
g) Promotion of sustainable agricultural and land management practices that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
h) Application of technologies and practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the construction industry.
The mitigation strategy will be governed by the principle of progressivity, taking into account the efforts established in the international framework and the specific contribution to the contribution determined at the national level.
On the other hand, it establishes that the Climate Change Cabinet may establish a Carbon Emissions Credit System based on the creation of measurable units, called carbon credits, that represent a reduction or elimination of greenhouse gas emissions. Each credit corresponds to one ton of carbon dioxide equivalent that has been avoided or extracted from the atmosphere. Entities, whether public or private, can generate carbon credits through projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions or increase the capacity of carbon sinks. The regulations will determine the percentage of income obtained through the sale of Carbon Emissions Credits generated by provincial public projects that will be allocated to the Climate Action Fund of the Province of Río Negro.
Likewise, it provides that the province, municipalities and development commissions promote the generation, conservation and restoration of carbon sinks, prioritizing, as far as technically and economically viable, the use of native species.
For more information contact:
Gustavo Papeschi | Partner of Beccar Varela | gpapeschi@beccarvarela.com